"You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun, than with a kind word alone" -Al Capone

Crime in South and North

Crime in the 1920s, specifically the north centered around gangsters and mobsters, those with organized crime influence who knew how to use it and use it well. They used the dependency the people of the industrialized north had on them to do what they wished without being challenged. Organized crime had a big hand in the lives of people of that time because of the hard times and how easily the people looked to them for answers to their problems. People bought illegal alcohol from them and that was a big market which many gangs fought over the right to. After the illegalization of alcohol were no longer in effect the gangs were still in power and then came in other smaller criminals that were considered heroes amongst people for their crimes as bank robbers. The common american looked up to bank robbers, seeing them as celebrities for doing what they desired to do themselves, and giving hell to those they saw as doing nothing to help out the hardworking american the law enforcements. The crime in the south was based more on racial discrimination, the southern refusal to change their views of immigrants, and those different from themselves. During the 20s you witness the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, a white pride group dedicated to making the lives of those different miserable. In the south they did not embrace the changes like their neighbors the north, with the fast pace life and ritzy fashion and party life. They stayed firm in their beliefs and went to any means to keep them that way, even terrorizing African Americans, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, liberals. They saw no wrong in killing innocents, participating in rapes, and lynchings, they considered it all in the name of ridding the world of those they considered trash and below them. They followed blind ignorance and blind belief when in reality they were the true barbarics, not fit to truly know what is right and that their beliefs are flawed.

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